It’s Tuesday. And that means another episode of Ask Rob & Rob.
First up we have Ed who wants to ask about joint ventures.
Ed has a few properties he’s worked on using the buy, refurbish refinance strategy. They’ve gone down so well that Ed now has a few contacts looking to do joint ventures with him. They want to put in the cash while he handles the rest of the workload.
He wants advice from Rob & Rob on how to structure this from a legal point of view to protect both himself and the investor.
There are many different ways to structure a joint venture, but there are two common ones. And in this episode, Rob D runs through both of these to help you understand the two most popular ways people run their joint venture agreements. The important thing is to make sure the structure is right for all parties.
The second caller this week is Pete. He’s got his first property due to complete this year. He bought it at £250,000 and it’s increased by around £30,000-40,000 already.
Pete wants to know if he can use this increased value as part of his deposit on the buy-to-let mortgage he’s taking out on it. He’s buying his property through a limited company so wants to leverage what he can.
Will Rob B make Pete’s day or is Pete asking the impossible?
Rob B does give a sneaky insight into valuations and dishes some dirt on why valuations are always done on the purchase price, so this is a great episode to help anyone who’s purchased off-plan and is looking to take advantage of any uplift in value.
Do you have a buy to let or property investment related question for Rob & Rob? You could feature on the next episode by giving us a call on 013 808 00035 and leaving a message with your name and question (normal UK call rates apply).
Or if you prefer, click here to leave a recording via your computer instead.
The next question on Ask Rob & Rob could be yours.
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