March 15, 2022

ASK324: Will a declining population hurt property? PLUS: I'm buying with tenants in-situ, what do I need to do?

Rob & Rob are back to answer some more listen questions and this week we’ve got some really great ones! 

Kicking us off this week is Fraser. 

Frasers recently come across an article that’s suggested that the UK’s population is set to start declining in 2025 and he’s wondering what impact this will have on property. 

Will the decline in demand have a negative effect on property prices? 

Next up, Johnny wants to know how to prepare for purchasing a property with a tenant in-situ. 

Johnny and his business partner are currently looking at purchasing their fourth property, which has a tenant in-situ. Whilst this can be beneficial, he’s got a few questions. 

How can he best prepare? Does he need to get new references/inventories etc or can he use the current ones? 

They’re also looking to increase the rent as it’s currently below market value and Johnny’s wondering what’s the best way to approach this. 

Does he wait until he’s purchased and then increase the rent? Or does he ask the current landlord to bring in the increase and wait until the tenant has signed the new contract before buying. 

Tune in to hear what advice the guys have got to give. 

Do you have a buy-to-let or property investment related question for Rob & Rob? You could feature on the next episode by giving us a call on 013 808 00035 and leaving a message with your name and question (normal UK call rates apply).  

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The next question on Ask Rob & Rob could be yours.  

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