Pack your umbrella, this week we're taking you on a tour of "The North".
You won't find either "The North" or the "Northern Powerhouse" on a map, because it's actually a collection of different regions – all with their own investment case, and things to look out for. We introduce you to and compare:
And importantly, if you've had your head turned by somewhere far from home, we wrap it all up with some tips for staying safe while making that investment happen.
Resource of the week
RMP Property has put together a free guide to the Northern Powerhouse from an investor's perspective, going into more detail on all the areas we talked about this week. You can grab your copy here.
News this week
"Are longer mortgages the answer to high property prices?", asks the BBC.
"No, they're a cause of high property prices", we reply – and it has interesting implications from an investor's point of view.
Join the conversation
Do you invest anywhere in the North, or got an area you're researching?
Any tips for making a remote investment work?
We’d love to know, so join the discussion in The Property Hub!
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