As you can imagine The Robs get inundated with questions day in, day out on all our different platforms. From social media to our Property Hub forum, they get questions fired at them from all directions.
But one of the places that they get asked lots of questions is through Property Hub Invest. So this week on The Property Podcast, Rob & Rob are answering the most asked questions for you all to hear.
On a daily basis our Property Hub Invest team talk to clients who are at different stages of their property journey and everyone has a different question to ask, but nine times out of ten they’re all similar.
So what better way to answer all these frequently asked questions than to compile them all into a podcast episode. Here are some of the questions you can expect to get an answer to:
There’s even more questions getting answered in this episode. Maybe one of them has been circling around in your mind. Or if you have a completely different question, make sure you get in touch with a member of our Invest team.
Our news story this week comes from Property Investor Today and the headline is ‘young Brits are on the move in the UK, and here’s where…’ For once this is a news headline that The Robs actually agree with. Although some aspects seem a little questionable, the overall stats seem to be pretty spot on - city centre living is on the up.
The Robs have discussed this previously on the podcast and they talk all about the secret trend that nobody else is seeing, so you should definitely go and give that episode a listen.
And finally, the Hub Extra comes with a warning this week… it might just depress you a little bit at just how old you are. It’s a website called ‘you’re getting old’, which basically shows you all different stats about how old you are.
You simply enter in your date of birth and the site will show you things like how many days you’ve been alive, how many candles will have been on all your birthday cakes together as well as some interesting milestones throughout the years and how old you were at the time. It’s all a little bit of light hearted fun.
We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.
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