Nov. 28, 2019

TPP350: We bought £130m of property this year: here’s where and why

We’ve got an epic episode for you. This week on The Property Podcast, Rob & Rob are sharing just how they made £130 million worth of investments happen this year! 

Before you get the wrong end of the stick, this isn’t an episode of them bragging about their achievements. Oh no. They’re actually going to tell you exactly how they’ve done it and where they did it, so you can do it too. 

One question Rob & Rob get asked all the time is: “where are you investing?” 

And rightly so. They’re experts in this field so naturally, you want to invest where they are. 

We’re not just sharing where Rob & Rob have invested, but where Property Hub Invest clients are investing too. Sharing is caring. 

At the beginning of the year Rob & Rob shared the top five locations across the country that they were going to be targeting throughout the year. These locations were:

  • Manchester
  • Liverpool
  • Leeds
  • Sheffield 
  • Nottingham

So how many have the guys been able to tick off this checklist? 

Tune in to find out!


Our news story this week isn’t a happy one, unfortunately. It’s an article from the BBC, ‘Devastated hotel investors fly to UK seeking their money’, which has sadly seen a number of investors lose an awful lot of money in a hotel investment that has gone horribly wrong. 

The hotel investment offered investors guaranteed returns, which haven’t been met and now angry investors have been flying over to the UK to find out where their money is. We’ve talked about this topic before, why we think you should stay away from hotel investments, and sadly, this is exactly the reason why. We actually even did a YouTube video on investing in hotel rooms, which you can watch here.


This week’s Hub Extra tool is a resource called Flux. If you spend a lot of time on your phone or your laptop, especially just before you go to bed, then this will be a tool you’ll want to use. 

It’s been proven that technology screens give off a blue light that makes it difficult to sleep at night and disturbs you from getting a full solid night sleep. Flux is a programme that detects what time of day it is and automatically changes the brightness of your screen and changes the colours that are given off, so you can now get the ideal amount of undisturbed sleep.


We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.


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