March 26, 2020

TPP367: A rational approach to the Coronavirus, and the future of the world

It’s another week of The Property Podcast and Rob & Rob are back looking deep into what the future could hold for the long term (not just in property) but for the economy post COVID-19.

The whole planet is affected and everyone is talking about it. 


But today The Robs want to step out of the day-to-day news cycle and look rationally into the situation. 

What could potentially happen over the next few months? Right now, the world is pretty much paused, but how will it play out for property in the short and long term? 

And does this change where we are in the 18-year property cycle? 

It’s so unusual to be in this situation, and we know a lot of people have questions, especially property investors.

Full disclosure… This episode isn’t Rob & Rob’s attempt at giving predictions. But you can expect plenty of opinions on this unexpected situation. 

Tune in to find out more about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) is likely to affect the property market.


And today, we have a news story that's relevant to our podcast… 

The Bank of England has cut interest rates again and orders £200 billion to be printed. As coronavirus crisis threatens all, printing new money and cutting interest rates helps the financial system to support activity 

There’s so much happening in the market right now due to Coronavirus - it’s been a huge economic shock. Boris Johnson has also promised to protect private renters from eviction by bringing forward legislation to protect them.


And if you’re wondering where this week’s Hub Extra is… there isn’t one. Today we want to bring your attention to our Friday podcast that'll be going ahead for the next few weeks. The Robs will be covering all the market updates every week to keep property investors in the loop. 

Things are changing on almost a daily basis right now, so it’s never been more important to stay up to date on property and market news that could affect you. 


We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week! 

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